2023 was a big year for The Meeting Place, and we’re excited about all that we have been able to offer to the community. After taking stock of all that took place, we’re taking a moment to share last year’s highlights and acknowledge those who supported us in making them happen.


In 2023:

-We distributed nearly 1,000 Good to Go meal kits, 30% of them were free to families whose ability to access nutritious food is limited by finances.

-We expanded the Tobermory Community Park infrastructure by raising capital funds to build a covered pavilion for events.

-We had our highest level of participation in the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. Our treasurer completed over 100 people’s taxes at no cost to help ensure they would get a timely tax return and avoid interruptions in receiving government benefits. 

-We partnered with Public Health on community harm reduction response to substance use, leading to the availability of Naloxone kits upon community request.

-We are now a satellite location for the Lion’s Head Good Food Box, thanks to a recent partnership. This enables us to bring affordable monthly produce boxes to our northern population. 

-We started a Community Learning Garden program that provides free space, supplies and guidance to teach people how to grow food.

-We completed our Housing Initiative Project, working with property owners to complete renovations of 4 long-term accommodation rental homes. 

-We raised funds for and completed a feasibility study for an E-bike social enterprise project.

-We resumed the ever popular SOAR Afterschool Program for Kindergarten to Grade 3 students

-We participated in the Tamarack Climate Transitions program to prepare our organization to support climate actions in the community.

-We hosted our annual spring concert fundraiser which was enjoyed by the community and supported by many businesses across the Peninsula.


Thanks so much to all of our funders and volunteers who helped make this happen!

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