SPARK – Seasonal Workers Spark Ideas (for our Community)

On January 11, 2020 the SPARK project orientation meeting convened under snowy skies and 13 participants started the Spark project off with great energy and thoughtful comments and ideas. We accomplished a lot. A few members were absent due to weather and winter.

Working Group 1 with Yvette as facilitator: Kim, Andrea, Hazel, Julie and Tyler: first meeting date is Thursday, January 23, 20120 10am – 12 noon at The Meeting Place.

Working Group 2 with Sharon as facilitator: Jen, Mandy, Gillian, Wendy; first meeting is Tuesday, January 28, 1-3pm at The Meeting Place.

Wishing everyone well as we start this process using the ICE framework: Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. Facilitators have all the project information covered on ICE and the beginning list generated on need identification for the seasonal workforce. Group facilitators are off and running, sharing meeting logistics and input going forward.

Groups have access to a set of resources and local ‘consultants’ for support in the areas of Business, Entrepreneurship, Health, Children & Family, Finances, Food Security, Transportation, Community Systems and Housing and this list will be updated as more local experts join the project. What great support!

Jennifer Cuffe and Noreen Steinacher are working behind the scenes at The Meeting Place to keep the lines of communication open between SPARK and the community and other related initiatives such as the Tobermory Housing Committee, Sustainable Tourism plan and Young Professionals discussion & working groups.

Questions? Call The Meeting Place Tobermory at 519-596-2313 or contact and leave your name, number and note of interest with Jennifer.

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